by Usershykemika_yPhotographerめちゃくちゃ涼しく感じるし濡れてもすぐ乾く!生地が擦れるストレスも感じなくてポケットにスマフォを入れても落ちる心配ないくらいの収納力だった。
kamixx_hykeI was surprised that my knees got wet from the morning dew on the wet grass and dried quickly when I walked without it. It was easy to lift my feet on the rocky terrain! Stretching works well.
𝗞𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗼PhotographerThe most important thing in mountaineering pants is how they feel when you sweat. The pants are also good for sweaty situations climbing up Hakuba's Great Snowy Ravine. They also don't trap heat. The material is firm enough to be durable and secure enough that you don't have to worry about tearing them when sitting on rocks or running into bushes.

Five features that make mountaineering comfortable and outstanding
The material is Solotex ®︎ DRY. It is packed with essential elements for mountaineering and sports clothing: high sweat absorption and quick-drying properties, outstanding softness, excellent carrying recovery, light stretch, and reduced environmental impact.

Superior quick-drying performance over conventional products
Solotex ®︎ DRY features the ability to dry in a shorter time than conventional polyester, nylon, etc. Below is the diffusive residual moisture content data for a fabric size of 20 cm square when 0.6 cc of water was dropped in the center of the fabric. Solotex ®︎ DRY is less than half dry after 25 minutes and almost dry after 50 minutes at less than 5%, proving that it is a fiber with excellent quick-drying properties.